Israeli and English Dancing Continue During the Holidays, Conta, Waltz Brunch, Newberry Benefit

Published: Sun, 12/11/16

Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dance Newsletter 2016-12-11

Israeli and English Dancing Continue During the Holidays, Contra, Waltz Brunch, Newberry Benefit

Hello and Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dancers,

Israeli Dancing at B'nai Israel continues over break, meeting with Cyd, first of six Mondays at 7 pm at B'nai Israel. $5 per family.

English Country Dancing also meets every Monday continuing through the holidays at the United Church of Gainesville at 7 pm.

Saturday night is the monthly evening Contra Dance at the Boltin Center at 7 pm, with Waltzing at 5:45.

Also Saturday night the Lions Club of Newberry is holding a benefit dance with Mr. October. Tickets are $15, but as a dancer, you can get them for $5 while they last. Details are on the Gainesville Dance calendar.

Sunday is the Vintage Waltz Brunch and Swing and Sway at Rena's Ballroom.

Happy Dancing,

Dance Calendar for Gainesville and Ocala

Dance Quotes

Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles. ~ Charlie Chaplin, 1889-1977

Dance Schedule

Confirm all programs before going

  1. Sunday 12/11 - Nia with Sarit
  2. Sunday 12/11 - Vertical Arabesque
  3. Sunday 12/11 - West African Dance
  4. Monday 12/12 - Brazilian Samba de Galfieira and Forro
  5. Monday 12/12 - English Country Dancing
  6. Monday 12/12 - Israeli Dancing with Cyd 1 of 6
  7. Tuesday 12/13 - Square Dancing
  8. Tuesday 12/13 - Clogging
  9. Tuesday 12/13 - Nia with Sarit
  10. Tuesday 12/13 - Square Dancing
  11. Tuesday 12/13 - Scottish Country Dancing
  12. Tuesday 12/13 - Tap with Chaya
  13. Wednesday 12/14 - Hip Hop for Adults with Herbert Dingle
  14. Friday 12/16 - International Folk Dancing
  15. Saturday 12/17 - Contra Dance
  16. Sunday 12/18 - Swing and Sway
  17. Sunday 12/18 - Vintage Waltz Brunch
  18. Saturday 12/31 - New Years Ever Advanced Contra Dance
  19. Sunday 1/01 - Contra Dance
  20. Friday 1/13 - Contra Dance in Melrose
  21. Sunday 1/29 - Advanced Contra Dance
  22. Thursday 1/26 - Line Dancing at the Senior Center 1 of 4

Ongoing Dancing

Classes with Andy

To sign up for classes offered via Santa Fe College Community Education (SFC) call Jennifer 352-395-5193 or visit

  1. Israeli Dancing at 7:15 pm, Israeli Partner Dancing at 8:15 pm, on Mondays at B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, only $5, drop in, no sign up required, ongoing.
  2. Line Dancing on Thursdays at noon at the Senior Center, sign up via SFC, ongoing. Next series starts January 21, 2016, registration opens January 7, 2016
  3. Beginning Salsa Dancing on Thursdays at 6 pm at Gainesville High School, sign up via SFC, ongoing. Next series starts january 21, 2015, registration opens January 7, 2016
  4. Beginning Lindy-style Swing Dancing on Thursdays at 7:10 pm at Gainesville High School, sign up via SFC, ongoing. Next series starts january 21, 2015, registration opens January 7, 2016
  5. Semi-private West Coast Swing on Mondays at 5;30 pm, at B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, $15 per person, includes Israeli Dancing, let me know you are interested
  6. Private Lessons, Dance Practice, Novice Dancers, Social Dancing, Wedding Dances, Argentine Tango, Contra, Hustle, Lindy, Line, Salsa, West Coast Swing, Vintage Waltz, other, contact me if interested

Israeli Dances

See for videos to the Israeli dances we have been doing.

Line Dances

See for videos to the line dances we have been doing.

Thank you for subscribing to the Gainesville Dance swing and social dance newsletter. My other business is Internet and computer consulting. Contact me if you need help with the Internet, with anything from websites, marketing your business online, email newsletter, selling on Amazon or Ebay, publishing books, to software development and so on.

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Copyright (c) 2015 to present by Bronze Inc. Gainesville, FL - Gainesville Ocala dancing - How to Dance with a Partner using the first, only and simplest method for communicating every step in every dance unambiguously

You may forward, print or post any part of this email provided you include this copyright notice. All other rights reserved. Contact us for other uses.

Andrew Weitzen,, 352-327-3672, Gainesville, FL