Quick Reminder We Are Israeli Dancing Tomorrow Wednesday May 23

Published: Tue, 05/22/18

First for those that are absolute beginners,
let me know if you would like a 15 minute beginner
session starting at 6:45 prior to our regular teaching.
During this time, we can go over the basic steps
so that you can keep up.

Reminder, we are Israeli Dancing tomorrow Wedensday May 23.
7:00 pm Teaching
7:30 pm Israeli Circle Dances
8:45 pm Israeli Partner Dances

We will be dancing next Monday May 28.
No dancing the first two weeks in June,
since I will be out of town.

The last two weeks in June the social hall at the synagogue
will not be available due to Junque to Jewels.
Let me know if you would like to dance at another location
on those two Mondays. The cost would probably be $10 per night.

Here is our schedule.

Wednesday May 23 - Israeli Dancing
Monday May 28 - Israeli Dancing
Mondays June 4 and 11 - No Dancing
Mondays June 18 and 25 - Let me know if you want to dance elsewhere

Happy Dancing,

If financial considerations are keeping you from dancing, let me know.

At Congregation B'nai Israel
3830 NW 16 Blvd
1/2 mile east of Fresh Market
Around the left side in the social hall

Andrew Weitzen