Online Worldwide Israeli Dance 24 Hour Marathon, International, Line

Published: Mon, 04/13/20

Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dance Newsletter 2020-4-13

Online Worldwide Israeli Dance 24 Hour Marathon, International, Line

Hello and Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dancers,

See below for a message from Ira Weisburd about the Israeli, International and Line dances he is doing.

Join Phil and Penny and people worldwide for the 24 Hour Global Israeli Dance Marathon taking place tonight.

Happy Dancing,

Israeli, International and Line Online Dancing with Ira Weisburd

Dear Friends,

Diane and I, like many of you have been in isolation for a month now. It’s so surreal, isn’t it? Every day that goes by, I want to be hopeful, but all I hear from my friends around the world and the experts is pure speculation about when and whether we will return to some sort of new normalcy. That is why I (we) must keep dancing !! It’s the only thing that keeps us all healthy and connected during this pandemic.

Creating and implementing Virtual On-Line Dancing is no easy task. A great deal of research and testing has gone into what you see and hear on your computer or mobile device. Preparing these classes before going “Live” is more than just preparing a playlist. I have to be able to teach and lead every dance from beginning to end “solo” without the help of my assistant Henry Lederfiend 😉 or Suzanne or Henia !! So, if you think it’s easy, think again. LOL !!

After testing Zoom and other means of broadcasting, I decided to use Facebook, since people were more familiar with it and there was no limit to the number of participants. I also found the video quality, sound and synchronization over all was superior. I am using my facebook page to provide these classes as a FREE service to dancers all over the world. It is my way of thanking all of you for your support throughout the years, for attending my classes here at home, around the USA and abroad. I also want to thank you for your feedback. Many of you have expressed to me how much the virtual class means to you at a time like this. As long as you continue to enjoy the classes, I will continue working hard and give you my all.

The Playlist for Monday, April 13th is posted on my facebook page and on this email (see attachment) !! The first 6 dances in blue will be taught during the first 45 minutes to introduce beginners to Israeli Dance. There will be 3 Sets of Open Dancing in black where we dance some of your favorite requests and a couple of teaches and reviews in blue between the sets.

GET YOUR DANCE ON and GET READY for another FUN Session !! DON'T FORGET TO SHARE !! You'll see me on the dancefloor !! I'll be there with you every dance of the way !! Check the times below in your region.

Here is the link you need to dance with us LIVE:

I will also post the class video on my facebook page, so you can take the class as often as you like after the “live” session ends. When you tune in each Monday night, you can interact with us and hundreds of dancers around the world in the chat area. Please check in and let us know you’re there and where you’re located, so we and others can connect with you. You never know who you might meet. It’s FUN to interact with each other and in-between dances and or teaches.

I begin each class with Beginner dances for our newer dancers and those who like to warm up with me. If there is a particular dance you would like to learn or review, let me know. I have received a few requests this week which I have added to tonight’s playlist. Print it out and then you can follow along.

We will go live 5 or 10 minutes before 7pm to say hi to everyone. Have bottled water handy and you can provide your own snacks 😉

If you would like to make a donation to help me keep Monday night Israeli dancing available ie. FREE to everyone, click on this link: 20% of the proceeds from your donations will benefit the (JFS) Jewish Family Services to help Jewish families impacted by this pandemic. Even the smallest donations are making a difference.

Can’t wait to see you on the dancefloor !


Virtually yours,

P.S. You are also invited to join me on Tuesday Mornings for a Virtual Line Dance Class at 10:30am and a Saturday Afternoon Balkan & International Folk Dance Class at 1pm on my facebook page.

Worldwide Israeli Dance Marathon with Phil Moss

Dancing with Andy - Suspended for Now

Monday March 16, 23, 30
5:30 pm Hustle
6:30 pm Latin, Bachata, Cha Cha, Nightclub Two Step, Rumba and, or Salsa
7:00 pm Waltz, Texas Two Step or other
7:30 pm Israeli Dancing
At B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, around the left side
$10 per person experienced dancers, or
$5 students, or
$5 per person for Israeli dancing only, free students

Thursday March 19, 26
7:00 pm Swing, West Coast, Lindy
8:00 pm Waltz, Texas Two Step or other
8:30 pm Latin, Bachata, Cha Cha, Nightclub Two Step, Rumba and, or Salsa
9:00 pm Argentine Tango
At B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, around the left side
$10 per person, or
$5 students, or
$5 for Tango practice only, free students

Thursday March 5, 19, 26 - Register via SFC CE
Noon to 1:00+ pm Line Dancing at the Senior Center
Sign up via Santa Fe College Community Education, 352-395-5193

Thursday April 2, 23, 30, May 7
6:00 pm Israeli Partner
7:00 pm Swing, West Coast, Lindy
8:00 pm Waltz, Texas Two Step or other
8:30 pm Latin, Bachata, Cha Cha, Nightclub Two Step, Rumba and, or Salsa
9:00 pm Argentine Tango
At B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, around the left side
$40 per person 4 Week Beginner Series for Israeli Partner Dancing, or
$60 per person 4 Week Beginner Series for New Dancers in Swing or Tango, or
$10 per person experienced dancers, or
$5 students, or
$5 per person for Tango practice only, free students

Dance Calendar for Gainesville and Ocala

For details and more programs see the
Gainesville Ocala Dance Events Calendar

Dance Quotes

The nice thing about egotists is that they do not talk about other people. ~ Lucille S. Harper

Dance Schedule

Confirm all programs before going

Videos of Israeli Dances We Have Been Doing

Aba Shimon -
Adama Veshamayim -
Al Teshate Beahav -
Ana Bekoach -
Betzeit Yisrael - - see about half way through
Liya -
Meohav -
Ode Ode -
Shir -
Shikor Velo Miyayin -
Veafilu Behastara -

Line Dances

See for links to videos.

You can find the dances on Here are the dances in the order we do them:
- Fuego (Linde Eh)
- Cupid Shuffle
- Electric Slide
- Levantando Los Manos (Hands Up, Ah Si)
- Watermelon Crawl
- Yolanda
- Boot Scootin Boogie
- Tennesse Waltz
- Mojo Mambo
- Sloopy
- Cabellero
- Carioca
- Quiero
- Pata Pata
- Hinei Ma Tov
- Git Up
- Queiro, teach

Classes with Andy

To sign up for classes offered via Santa Fe College Community Education (SFC) call 352-395-5193 or visit

  1. Israeli Dancing at 7:30 pm on Mondays at B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, only $5, drop in, no sign up required, ongoing.
  2. Line Dancing on Thursdays at noon at the Senior Center, sign up via SFC, ongoing.
  3. Social Dancing on Mondays and Thursdays at B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, $10 per person, $5 students, ongoing
  4. Private Lessons, Dance Practice, Novice Dancers, Social Dancing, Wedding Dances, Argentine Tango, Contra, Hustle, Lindy, Line, Salsa, West Coast Swing, Vintage Waltz, other, contact me if interested

Israeli Dance Playlist

Let me know if you are interested in Israeli Partner dancing.

Let me know your requests.

Following are our playlists. We do the dances we are learning each week until we know them well. The other dances, we do in rotation.

Israeli Partner Dances 2018
Kan Badarom
Stav Lavan
Beit Halomotai
El Haderech
Ahuvi Chazor
Elu Tzipporim
Leor Chiyuchech
Besheket Kimat Besod
Ohevet Samba
Hatzrif Harauah
Besof Maagal
Laner Velabesamim
Dodi Li

Israeli 2017
Katonti_S_short intro
Debka Shachar
Shema Yisrael
Hora Chatuna
Hamalach Hagoel Oti
Ahuv Sheli
Hine Ma Tov
Adama Veshamayim
Al Teshate Baahava
Ode Ode
Aba Shimon
Shikor Velo Miyayin

Israeli 2018
Dmaot Shel Ahava
Anshei Hageshem
Veafilu Behastara
Erev Shabbat
Betzeit Israel
Israel Sheli
Ana Bekoach

Israeli 2019
Tzel Umei Beer
Chelek Mimeni
Hora Chatuna
Im Tachzor
Chatunat Hashana
Asher Bara
Eshet Chail
Matanot Ktanot
Chelek Mehazman
Hatishma Koli
Israel Hayafa
Al Kapav Yadi
Yasso Hachayim
Debka Oud
Bein Ko Vacho
Bevo Yomi
Karavan Bamidbar
Lo Gava Libi
Sipur Hayay
Avre Tu

Israeli 110 Nigun Atik
Nigun Atik - Ancient Melody -2x
Yevarechecha -2x
Aveinu Shalom Aleichem (instr) -2x
Al Kanfei Hakesef -2.5x
Eretz Eretz -2x
Tzadik Katamar -2x
Lo Ahavti Dai -2x
Lech Lamidbar - 2x
Ma Navu -2x
Hora Habikah, Nahal Naaran -2x
Haroah Haktana -2x
Hora Agadati -2x
Hine Ma Tov -1x
Tsur Chasidi -2x
Hora Chadera -2x
Hora Or -2x
Yedid Nefesh -2x +5
Mayim Mayim -2x
Harmonica -2x
Hora Medura - Bonfire -2x
Sulam Yaakov -2x
Od Yishamah -2x
Kuma Echa - Come Brothers -2x
Korim Lanu Lalechet -2x
Kvar Acharey Chatzot

Israeli 112 Erev Ba
At Vaani -2x
Erev Ba - 3x
Boi Malkah
Mocher Prachim -2x
Ya Ribon Olam
Ashrei Haish -2x
Sheleg Al Eiri
Shabbat Menucha
Yaabud -1x
Mi Kamocha Baelim
Amalel Shir -3x
Shir Al Etz
Eich Af Hazman
Veshuv Itchem
David Melech Yisrael
Shir Lechol Et
Ahavat Raaya
Kismei Shaul
Bepundak Katan
Shir Hashirim

Israeli 120 Rona
Balada Lamaayan
Eretz Yisrael Yafa
Bou Nashir Leretz Yaffa
Zemer Nugeh
Lechu Neranena
Leorech Hatayelet
Shiri Li Kineret
Lakum Velaamod
Behar Hagilboa
Sham Harey Golan
Kol Nedarai
Zohi Artzi
Hora Mamtera
Al Sadeinu
Machol Lashalom
Shir Al Rei
Kulanu Bamitzad
Anshei Hageshem
Debka Dror
Shuvi Harmonika

Israeli 121 Sapari
Simchat Neurim
Hahar Hayarok
Dror Yikra
Oneg Shabbat
Debka Shachar
Machol Midbari
Bo Beshalom
Ahavat Hahayalim
Al Gemali
Debka Laadama
Bou Venashir
Pnei Malach
Shirat Hayam

Israeli 130 Tzel Etz Tamar
Al Teshate Baahava
Tzel Etz Tamar
Hamingina Hayeshana
Ze Hazemer
Hakolot Shel Pireus
Shkia Vruda
Adama Veshamayim
Toda Lael
Ata Belibi
Avraham Aveinu
Aba Shimon
Achai Bnei Teiman
Shikor Velo Miyayin

Israeli 131 Darkenu
Eretz Nehederet
Beche Kinor
Erev Shabbat
Ode Ode
Bachom Shel Tel Aviv
Isha Al Hachof
Etz Hamishalot
Accordion Yashan
Kol Ma Shekadam
Artzi - Artzeinu Haktantonet
Ahuv Sheli
Ahava Acheret
Eich Hu Shar
Rak Beyachad Nenatzeach
Lecha Karati
Eretz Achat
At Oti Shofetet
Lifnei Shenifradim
Debka Turkit

Israeli Dances

See for videos to the Israeli dances we have been doing.

Line Dances

See for videos to the line dances we have been doing.

Thank you for subscribing to the Gainesville Dance swing and social dance newsletter. My other business is Internet and computer consulting. Contact me if you need help with the Internet, with anything from websites, marketing your business online, email newsletter, selling on Amazon or Ebay, publishing books, to software development and so on.

Follow Gainesville and Ocala dancing on

You can find the Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dancing newsletter here

Internet and Computer Consulting

Thank you for subscribing to the Gainesville Dance swing and social dance newsletter. I also publish a newsletter called Internet Handholding which you can subscribe to at My other business is Internet and computer consulting. Contact me if you need help with the Internet, with anything from websites, marketing your business online, email newsletter, selling on Amazon or Ebay, publishing books, to software development and so on.


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Why I Hate Hospice by Andrew Weitzen book website

Why I Hate Hospice by Andrew Weitzen book available on Amazon


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Copyright (c) 2016 to present by Bronze Inc. Gainesville, FL - Gainesville Ocala social dancing - Harmony Dancing - How to Dance with a Partner, the easiest, gentlest and only unambiguous method of dancing with a partner - the book How to Dance with a Partner, you only need to know three rules and three signals to communicate every step in every dance, the only logical method for dancing with a partner, also the gentlest and easiest
You may forward, print or post any part of this email provided you include this copyright notice. All other rights reserved. Contact us for other uses.

Andrew Weitzen,, 352-327-3672, Gainesville, FL