In Person Good News Bad News, Online Israeli, Line

Published: Sun, 04/25/21

Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dance Newsletter 2021-4-25

In Person Good News Bad News, Online Israeli, Line

Hello and Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dancers,

Online Dancing with Andy in April
Mondays 7:00 to 8:00 pm Israeli Circle Dancing
Tuesdays 7:00 to 8:30 pm Swing, Bachata, Salsa
Wednesdays 7:30 to 8:30 pm Israeli Partner Dancing
Thursdays Noon to 1:00 pm World Line Dancing

Good news and bad news for our in person dancing. The good news is I got my second vaccine, so in person dancing is a possibility. The bad news is I broke my toe, so no in person dancing at least for the next couple of weeks.

Join all the sessions using this same link.

Zoom Meeting ID: 352 327 3672
Password: dance2020

Confirm All Dance Sessions Before Attending

As you know, the situation can change at any time. Confirm with group leaders before attending any sessions. See the calendar for details for each session, including times, contact information and how to attend.

In Person Dance Functions in Gainesville

In Person Yoga on the Lawn at Curia on the Drag - confirm on Sundays at 9 am, 2029 NW 6 Street.

In Person Nia Holistic Movement with Sarit at the Thomas Center Gardens - confirm on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. See the calendar for contact information and other details on this event.

In Person Israeli Dancing for Beginners with Tony Arroyo on Thursdays from 6 to 7 pm.

Online Gainesville and Elsewhere

Online Contra Dance from Gainesville on Saturday April 24 at 7 pm and Sunday May 2 at 4 pm.

Online Contra and English Country from Atlanta on Fridays at 7 pm.

Learn Israeli Circle Dances with Veronica Lane from Jacksonville.

Israeli, Balkan and Line Dance with Ira Weisburd from Boca Raton on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays.

See the calendar for details about these and other online dancing.

Happy Dancing,

Dance Calendar for Gainesville and Ocala

For details and more programs see the
Gainesville Ocala Dance Events Calendar

Dance Quotes

Habit, my friend, is practice long pursued, that at last becomes man himself. ~ Evenus, Ancient Greek Poet

No partner needed. Generally we just dance. Some instruction. If you would like to review these dancers, let me know. You can find links to videos of many of the dances here.

Videos Israeli Partner Dances
Videos Israeli Circle Dances

Israeli Partner Dances for Karen Set 1
Dances we have done at one time or another in our live class
Kan Badarom
Besof Maagal - waltz
Shecharchoret - Yeminite
Besheket Kimat Besod
Hatzrif Harauah
Stav Lavan - waltz
Dodi Li - folk
Marsh Shel Dayagim
Asal - Yemenite
Beit Halomotai
Israeli Mazurka
Ahuvi Chazor
Laner Velabesamin - folk
Leor Chiyuchecht - folk
Adama Adamati
El Haderech - line
Elu Tzipporim - line

Israeli Partner Dances for Karen Set 2
Dances we have reviewed during the pandemic
Machal Haohavim
Zemer Noogeh - Hatishma Koli - waltz
Eshkolit - Waltz
Rachel - folk
Laila Laila - waltz
Ahava Asura - foxtrot
Shimri Li Al Hamangina

Israeli Partner Dances for Celia Set 1
Dances we have done during the pandemic that we kind of know
Nadam Kol Of
Leil Stav
Maamin Baahava
Rikud Hasombrero
Ohevet Samba
Shibolet Basahed
Simchu Na
Ani Eshtagea
Al Kvar Lo Iti
Metzuit Acheret
Nishar Itach
Erev Nigunim
Tango Achshav
Ahava Pshuta
Eizo Shemesh Mevorechet
Shnei Shoshanim
Shir Shel Yom Chulim
Shav Ani Elayich
Chagigat Aviv

Israeli Partner Dances for Celia Set 2
Dances we have not done yet during the pandemic that we may still know
Yam Hashibolim
Hamistikanim Hasinim
Al Titni Lo
Laila Badarom
Atzei Hatzaftzafot
Ein Kmo Yaffo
Erev Kachol Amok
Dabrai Elai
Mischak Hadmaot
Stav Yisraeli
Ella Ella
Keivan Sheen Ladaat
Lech Lesfat Hayam
Shiri Li
Kmo Sheat
Ahava Rechoka
Hi Lo Yodaat

Israeli Partner Dances for Celia Set 3
Dances we have not done yet during the pandemic that we may have once known
Zara - cha cha
Achshav He Sham
Ad Bechi
Ad Kama Ahavtich
Ad Sof Olam
Agilay Damar
Ahava Ktzara
Ahava Meever Lapina
Ahava Rechoka
Ahava Yam Tichonit
Ahuva Sheli
Ahuvat Hamatador
Al Hair Afot Yonim
Al Na Tishal
Al Temaher
Al Tiruni
Al Tishkechi Et Halaila
Al Tishkechi Otanu
Al Titni Lo
Ani Chozer Habayta
At Hayechida
At Li Or
At Matrifa
Atzei Hatzaftzafot
Baa Meahava
Bachof Shel Portugal
Balev Boi Nedaber
Baosher Live Oni
Bat Tzoaniya - 54 mpm
Bedam Ahavati
Belev Kaved
Beosher Uveoni
Bisdot Beit Lechem
Bo Venirkod
Boi Kallah
Boi Nashuv El Hatango
Bosem Tzarfati
Chai Lemaanech
Chaki Od Rega
Chamaniyot Mul Hashemesh
Chikiti Lach
Chiyuchim Baboker
Cholot Midbar
Choshev Alayich
Dabri Elai
Dira 26
Eich Lagaat Beinayich
Ein Ahava
Eize Keff Morena
El Hachofesh
Elem Vealma
Ella Ella
Esh Haahava
Etz Harimon
Ez Vakevez
Gan Haeden
Hagvaot Hakchulot
HaHilula Matchila
Hakol Omed Bamakom
Halayla Tov Laahava
Harei Chevron
Hashir Haahoron
Hashir Sheli
Havaltz Hasheini
Haya Chalom
Hayu Leilot
Heichan Ahuvi
Hi Lo Yodaat
Hi Lo Yodaat
Hoshev Alaich
Inri Li Ahuva
Kach Oti
Kaitz Al Hair
Kala Teimaniya
Kalu Raglayim
Kama Ahava
Kama Tov Bishnayim
Kchi Oti
Kmo Hasheket
Kmo Sheat
Kol Halayla
Kol Kach Ksuma
Kol Ma SheTirtzi
Kol Ma Shetirtzi
Kol Yom Nolad Shetachzeri
Korason Sheli
Lagaat Baosher
Lealef Namer
Lech Lesfat Hayam
Lecha Vealecha
Lechi Lach
Leilot Shel Ahava
Lesaper Lach Inyan
Lev Shabur
Libenu Halaila
Lo Eten Lagaat
Lo Eten Lagaat
Maga Shel Malach
Malkat Hayofi Sheli
Masa Bein Kochavim
Mechozot Ahava
Merov Ahava
Meuchar Midai
Milim Yafot
Mischak Hadmaot
Mitchamek Meshigaon
Mor Vekinamon
Motek Lo Lidog
Neshikat Shalhevet
Od Meat
Ohev Lihiyot Babayit
Orcha Bamidbar
Perach Baaviv
Perach Baaviv
Perach Min Hagan
Perach Sheli
Rak Ata
Sabres Kar
Salsa (Oye)
Saper Al Ahava
Semel Ahava
Serenada Leada
Seret Shachor Lavan
Shinit Et Chayai
Shinit Et Chayai
Shir Hamesiba
Shir Le Mawanech
Shir Lemaanech
Shir Mikol Halev
Shir Mikol Halev
Shoshanat Sfarad
Shuvi Yefefiya
Shuvi Yefeifiya
Stav Yisraeli
Tango Laviv
Tango Leshcharchoret
Tchol Mitpachat
Tefani Li Ktzat Makom
Tipa Veod Tipa
Tni Li
Tov Shebat
Tzomet Drachim
Tzomet Hadrachim
Vals Agur Hazahav
Ya Teir
Yad Ktana
Yafa At
Yam Hashibolim
Yam Shel Tauyot
Yamin Usmol (Orcha Bamidbar)
Yesh Be Ahavah Kanetzach
Yesh Chagigah
Yihyeh Beseder
Yoshvim Kevet Kafe
Ze Ba Mimech
Zeh Ma Shenishar
Zeh Rak Benenu
Zehuvat Taltalim
Zman Layla
Zmanim Ktanim
Zohar Badeshe
Zohi Yaffo

Israeli Partner Dances for Twin Cities
Eelu Tzipporim *
Rikud Hasombrero *
Hoshev Alei'ich *
Tefani Li Ksat Makom *
Mischak Hadma *
Inbal *
Perach Ba Aviv
Tel Aviv **
Machshavot Belibi
Kol Kach Yafeh Lach
Kmo Tzoani Im Gitara
Al Titni Lo *
Shoshanat Sfarad *
Ruchot **
Seret Shahor Lavan *
Ahava Asura *
* - on our list already
** - do not have music

Israeli Circle Dances for Kathie Set 1
Current set in order played
Ein Od Milvado
Aveinu Malkeinu
Heya Heya
Shma Yisrael
Shabbat Shalom
Bevo Yomi
Hamalach Hagoel Oti
Im Tachzor
Veafilu Bahastara
Kol Shana
Adama Veshamayim
Ana Bekoach
Matanot Ktanot

Israeli Circle Dances for Kathie Set 2
Dances that were on the current set
Ahuv Sheli
Hora Chatuna
Shema Yisrael
Bein Hachomot
Israel Sheli

Israeli Circle Dances Classics Set 1
Al Kanfe Hakesef
Aveinu Shalom Aliechem
Eretz Eretz
Hine Ma Tov
Hora Agadati
Hora Chadera
Hora Habikah
Hora Medura
Hora Or
Horoah Haktana
Korim Lanu Lalechet
Kuma Echa
Kvar Acharey Chatzot
Lech Lamidbar
Lo Ahavti Dai
Ma Navu
Mayim Mayim
Nugun Atik
Od Yishamah
Sulum Yaakov
Tsur Chasidi
Tzadik Katamar
Yedid Nefesh

Line Dances

See for links to videos.

Linde Eh, Fuego - merengue
Cupid Shuffle - merengue-ish
Ah Si, Leventando Las Manos - latin
Electric Slide - pop
Watermelon Crawl - country western
Yolanda - samba, latin
Boot Scootin Boogie - country western
Tennessee Waltz - waltz
Caballero - rumba
Quiero Amor - bachata
Seniorita - cha cha
Mojo Mambo - cajun mambo
Sloopy - pop
Carioca - latin, rumba-ish
The Shy Waltz - waltz
Come Dance With Me
Cabo Moon - country western
Blame it on the Bossa Nova
Fire of Love
Quiero - cha cha

Social Dances

Argentine Tango 101-a : step forward, back, left, right, transfer weight
Argentine Tango 101-b : molinete (grapevine)
Argentine Tango 101-c : cross
Argentine Tango 101-d : cross system, ochos

Bachata 101-a : three basic steps
Bachata 101-b : three step traveling turn
Bachata 101-c : cross body leads and passes
Bachata 101-d : combinations

Cha Cha 101-a : three basic Cha Cha steps
Cha Cha 101-b : cross over and open breaks, pivot turns
Cha Cha 101-c : cross body lead and passes
Cha Cha 101-d : combinations

Rumba 101-a : basic box, rotating box
Rumba 101-b : cross over and open breaks, pivot turns
Rumba 101-c : cross body lead and passes
Rumba 101-d : combinations

Salsa 101-a : four basic steps
Salsa 101-b : cross over and open breaks, pivot turns
Salsa 101-c : cross body leads and passes
Salsa 101-d : combinations

Waltz 101-a : basic box, rotating box
Waltz 101-b : progressive box, diagonal progressive box
Waltz 101-c : walk around turn

West Coast Swing 101-a : five basic 6-count figures
Rumba 101-b : whip turn
Rumba 101-c : ladies three step traveling turn
Rumba 101-d : variations

Have fun sharing your time with other people, doing beautiful dances to great music, while learning how to dance. The best exercise for your mind, body and soul.

You do not need a real partner. Imaginary partners are fine, possibly better.

Let me know what you would like to do, such as other levels of instruction, other dances, other formats for the dance sessions or dancing on other days or times.

The sessions are aimed at Beginner Intermediate level dancers. You do not need to be experienced in these particular dances. You should have some dance experience.

If you are a Novice dancer, let me know so we can schedule sessions for you and other Novice dancers.

Share your feedback. We are learning as we are going on how to do online dance sessions.

You can join the online meeting 10 minutes early to chat with others. The dancing starts exactly on time. You can stay online after the meeting to chat with others until I get home and end the meeting.

Payment Options

As usual, if financial considerations are keeping you from dancing, if you just want to try out the session, if you just want to watch, pay whatever you want or participate as my guest, no charge.

If you want to pay, the Cost is:
$5.50 per session, or $22 per month, by credit card, or
$5 per session, or $20 per month by bank transfer, check or debit

When you pay for one session, you are invited to attend the other regular sessions on the same day as my guest, at no charge.

When you pay by the month, this includes all the regular sessions that month on any day.

If you have two people sharing the same online session, only pay for one person.

To pay by check, contact me for the mailing address.

Or send payment to via any payment method that works. Here are some:

To Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 352 327 3672

If needed, password is: dance

Join by Skype for Business

Note: all the dance sessions should have the same ID, so a link to anyone of them should work for any other session.

Dancing with Andy In Person - Suspended for Now

Dance Schedule

Confirm all programs before going

Most In-Person Dance Sessions Canceled Due to Virus Pandemic - as far as I know

Videos of Israeli Dances We Have Been Doing

Aba Shimon -
Adama Veshamayim -
Al Teshate Beahav -
Ana Bekoach -
Betzeit Yisrael - - see about half way through
Liya -
Meohav -
Ode Ode -
Shir -
Shikor Velo Miyayin -
Veafilu Behastara -

Line Dances

See for links to videos.

You can find the dances on Here are the dances in the order we do them:
- Fuego (Linde Eh)
- Cupid Shuffle
- Electric Slide
- Levantando Los Manos (Hands Up, Ah Si)
- Watermelon Crawl
- Yolanda
- Boot Scootin Boogie
- Tennesse Waltz
- Mojo Mambo
- Sloopy
- Cabellero
- Carioca
- Quiero

Classes with Andy

To sign up for classes offered via Santa Fe College Community Education (SFC) call 352-395-5193 or visit

  1. Israeli Dancing at 7:30 pm on Mondays at B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, only $5, drop in, no sign up required, ongoing.
  2. Line Dancing on Thursdays at noon at the Senior Center, sign up via SFC, ongoing.
  3. Social Dancing on Mondays and Thursdays at B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, $10 per person, $5 students, ongoing
  4. Private Lessons, Dance Practice, Novice Dancers, Social Dancing, Wedding Dances, Argentine Tango, Contra, Hustle, Lindy, Line, Salsa, West Coast Swing, Vintage Waltz, other, contact me if interested

Israeli Dance Playlist

Let me know if you are interested in Israeli Partner dancing.

Let me know your requests.

Following are our playlists. We do the dances we are learning each week until we know them well. The other dances, we do in rotation.

Israeli Partner Dances 2018
Kan Badarom
Stav Lavan
Beit Halomotai
El Haderech
Ahuvi Chazor
Elu Tzipporim
Leor Chiyuchech
Besheket Kimat Besod
Ohevet Samba
Hatzrif Harauah
Besof Maagal
Laner Velabesamim
Dodi Li

Israeli 2017
Katonti_S_short intro
Debka Shachar
Shema Yisrael
Hora Chatuna
Hamalach Hagoel Oti
Ahuv Sheli
Hine Ma Tov
Adama Veshamayim
Al Teshate Baahava
Ode Ode
Aba Shimon
Shikor Velo Miyayin

Israeli 2018
Dmaot Shel Ahava
Anshei Hageshem
Veafilu Behastara
Erev Shabbat
Betzeit Israel
Israel Sheli
Ana Bekoach

Israeli 2019
Tzel Umei Beer
Chelek Mimeni
Hora Chatuna
Im Tachzor
Chatunat Hashana
Asher Bara
Eshet Chail
Matanot Ktanot
Chelek Mehazman
Hatishma Koli
Israel Hayafa
Al Kapav Yadi
Yasso Hachayim
Debka Oud
Bein Ko Vacho
Bevo Yomi
Karavan Bamidbar
Lo Gava Libi
Sipur Hayay
Avre Tu

Israeli 110 Nigun Atik
Nigun Atik - Ancient Melody -2x
Yevarechecha -2x
Aveinu Shalom Aleichem (instr) -2x
Al Kanfei Hakesef -2.5x
Eretz Eretz -2x
Tzadik Katamar -2x
Lo Ahavti Dai -2x
Lech Lamidbar - 2x
Ma Navu -2x
Hora Habikah, Nahal Naaran -2x
Haroah Haktana -2x
Hora Agadati -2x
Hine Ma Tov -1x
Tsur Chasidi -2x
Hora Chadera -2x
Hora Or -2x
Yedid Nefesh -2x +5
Mayim Mayim -2x
Harmonica -2x
Hora Medura - Bonfire -2x
Sulam Yaakov -2x
Od Yishamah -2x
Kuma Echa - Come Brothers -2x
Korim Lanu Lalechet -2x
Kvar Acharey Chatzot

Israeli 112 Erev Ba
At Vaani -2x
Erev Ba - 3x
Boi Malkah
Mocher Prachim -2x
Ya Ribon Olam
Ashrei Haish -2x
Sheleg Al Eiri
Shabbat Menucha
Yaabud -1x
Mi Kamocha Baelim
Amalel Shir -3x
Shir Al Etz
Eich Af Hazman
Veshuv Itchem
David Melech Yisrael
Shir Lechol Et
Ahavat Raaya
Kismei Shaul
Bepundak Katan
Shir Hashirim

Israeli 120 Rona
Balada Lamaayan
Eretz Yisrael Yafa
Bou Nashir Leretz Yaffa
Zemer Nugeh
Lechu Neranena
Leorech Hatayelet
Shiri Li Kineret
Lakum Velaamod
Behar Hagilboa
Sham Harey Golan
Kol Nedarai
Zohi Artzi
Hora Mamtera
Al Sadeinu
Machol Lashalom
Shir Al Rei
Kulanu Bamitzad
Anshei Hageshem
Debka Dror
Shuvi Harmonika

Israeli 121 Sapari
Simchat Neurim
Hahar Hayarok
Dror Yikra
Oneg Shabbat
Debka Shachar
Machol Midbari
Bo Beshalom
Ahavat Hahayalim
Al Gemali
Debka Laadama
Bou Venashir
Pnei Malach
Shirat Hayam

Israeli 130 Tzel Etz Tamar
Al Teshate Baahava
Tzel Etz Tamar
Hamingina Hayeshana
Ze Hazemer
Hakolot Shel Pireus
Shkia Vruda
Adama Veshamayim
Toda Lael
Ata Belibi
Avraham Aveinu
Aba Shimon
Achai Bnei Teiman
Shikor Velo Miyayin

Israeli 131 Darkenu
Eretz Nehederet
Beche Kinor
Erev Shabbat
Ode Ode
Bachom Shel Tel Aviv
Isha Al Hachof
Etz Hamishalot
Accordion Yashan
Kol Ma Shekadam
Artzi - Artzeinu Haktantonet
Ahuv Sheli
Ahava Acheret
Eich Hu Shar
Rak Beyachad Nenatzeach
Lecha Karati
Eretz Achat
At Oti Shofetet
Lifnei Shenifradim
Debka Turkit

Israeli Dances

See for videos to the Israeli dances we have been doing.

Line Dances

See for videos to the line dances we have been doing.

Thank you for subscribing to the Gainesville Dance swing and social dance newsletter. My other business is Internet and computer consulting. Contact me if you need help with the Internet, with anything from websites, marketing your business online, email newsletter, selling on Amazon or Ebay, publishing books, to software development and so on.

Follow Gainesville and Ocala dancing on

You can find the Gainesville Ocala Israeli and Folk Dancing newsletter here

Internet and Computer Consulting

Thank you for subscribing to the Gainesville Dance swing and social dance newsletter. I also publish a newsletter called Internet Handholding which you can subscribe to at My other business is Internet and computer consulting. Contact me if you need help with the Internet, with anything from websites, marketing your business online, email newsletter, selling on Amazon or Ebay, publishing books, to software development and so on.


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Why I Hate Hospice by Andrew Weitzen book website

Why I Hate Hospice by Andrew Weitzen book available on Amazon


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The information provided here is often inaccurate. You should confirm all information with the original provider before taking any action based on the information provided here.


Copyright (c) 2016 to present by Bronze Inc. Gainesville, FL - Gainesville Ocala social dancing - Harmony Dancing - How to Dance with a Partner, the easiest, gentlest and only unambiguous method of dancing with a partner - the book How to Dance with a Partner, you only need to know three rules and three signals to communicate every step in every dance, the only logical method for dancing with a partner, also the gentlest and easiest
You may forward, print or post any part of this email provided you include this copyright notice. All other rights reserved. Contact us for other uses.

Andrew Weitzen,, 352-327-3672, Gainesville, FL