Party Thursday

Published: Wed, 11/30/16

Hello and Swing and Social Dancers,

This Thursday my Social Dancing group is having our End of Year Party and Engagement Celebration for Jim and Kay and you are invited.

You do not need to know Tango or Waltz. We will be reviewing these dances at a level suitable for first timers.

Come out and have some fun.

Thursday December 1 - Dance Party
5:30 pm Come early, if you can, and help move tables and chairs
6 to 7 pm Argentine Tango
7 to 8 pm Social Dancing, Review Waltz
8 to 9 pm West Coast Swing, Lindy Swing, Hustle, Rumba, Salsa

Cost if you have not paid for the series:
- $10 for the evening, or
- $5 at 8 pm

At B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd
Around the left side, in the social hall

The lessons will be suitable for visitors as well as our regulars.
No partner and no experience needed.
Everyone is invited.
You are encouraged to invite others.

Bring no presents.
You can bring a light snack if you like.
Nothing with meat.
If you bring packaged items,
they should be marked with an OU or K,
meaning certified kosher.
Fruits, vegetables and bakery items from
Publix and Fresh Market bakeries are good.
Not the French Bakery because they use lard.

Next week is our last week of dancing this year.

Happy Dancing,

Argentine Tango


Lindy Swing

Country Waltz

Slow Waltz - Basic box step - Waltz box step - Waltz left turning box - Walk around turn - Reverse and natural turns