Ballroom Dance, Forget What You Know About Learning

Published: Sat, 06/24/17

Gainesville Ocala Swing and Social Dance Newsletter 2017-06-24

Ballroom Dance, Forget What You Know About Learning

Hello and Gainesville Ocala Social Dancers,

Saturday night is a Ballroom Dance Country Style at Rena's from 8 to 10:30 pm. Otherwise a quiet weekend. Ocala West Coast Swing and UF Tango are taking a break this Sunday.

People often wonder if learning is easier focusing on one dance, rather than learning multiple dances. I advocate for more is better. If you dance twice a week for two hours each time, you are going to learn faster than going once a week for an hour.

From this article "Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits", "These findings extend well beyond math, even to aesthetic intuitive learning. ... The finding undermines the common assumption that intensive immersion is the best way ... said Nate Kornell, a psychologist at Williams College and the lead author of the study. 'What seems to be happening in this case is that the brain is picking up deeper patterns when seeing assortments ... it is picking up what is similar and what is different about them,' often subconsciously."

Dancing with Andy

Coming up is week 4 of our 6 week series.

Monday instruction is aimed at those with more experience. Thursday instruction is aimed at new dancers. Everyone is welcome on both nights. You go at your own pace.

Monday Intermediate June 19 week 4 of 6
5:30 pm Hustle
6:30 pm Waltz
7:30 pm Israeli Dancing

Thursday Beginner June 22 week 4 of 6
6 pm West Coast Swing
7 pm Salsa
8 to 9 pm Argentine Tango Class
8 to 10 pm Argentine Tango Practica

Cost per person
- $75 for 6 nights (save $15), or
- $50 for 4 nights (save $10), or
- $15 per night drop-in, or
- $5 per night student age, or
- $5 for Tango Practica, free for student age, or
- $5 for Israeli Dancing, free for student age

Let me know if financial considerations are keeping you from dancing.

Happy Dancing,

Judy Locascio Allstate Agency

All types of insurance.

4056 Newberry Road, just east of 43 Street.

Somatic Exercise Coaching

Free consultation

Beth Michelson, LMT

Bodywise movement and massage therapy

Massage, Trager, Somatics, Pilates


Gainesville and Ocala Dance Calendar

Gainesville and Ocala Dance Calendar

Dance Quotes

Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. ~ Sir Winston Churchill, 1874-1965

Dance Schedule

Confirm all programs before going

  1. Saturday 6/24 - Ballroom Dance
  2. Sunday 6/25 - Baila Caliente
  3. Monday 6/26 - Hustle, West Coast Swing and Israeli with Andy 4 of 6
  4. Monday 6/26 - Bachata and Salsa with Baila Caliente
  5. Monday 6/26 - Gator Salsa Club
  6. Tuesday 6/27 - Ballroom Dancing with Ray and Eileen
  7. Tuesday 6/27 - Swing N Motion with Robert
  8. Tuesday 6/27 - Salsa with Salsa Mundial
  9. Wednesday 6/28 - Baila Caliente Bachata and Salsa
  10. Wednesday 6/28 - West Coast Swing
  11. Thursday 6/29 - Ballroom Dancing with Ray and Eileen - Bachata
  12. Thursday 6/29 - Salsa and Bachata with Salsa Mundial
  13. Thursday 6/29 - Swing N Motion with Robert
  14. Thursday 6/29 - Gator Salsa Club
  15. Thursday 6/29 - UF Swing Club at Depot Park
  16. Thursday 6/29 - West Coast Swing, Salsa, Argentine Tango with Andy 4 of 6
  17. Friday 6/30 - UF Swing Club
  18. Saturday 7/01 - West Coast Swing Dance
  19. Sunday 7/02 - Contra Dance
  20. Sunday 7/02 - UF Argentine Tango
  21. Sunday 7/02 - West Coast Swing in Ocala
  22. Saturday 7/08 - Argentine Tango Milonga
  23. Saturday 7/08 - Gator Salsa Club
  24. Tuesday 7/11 - Ballroom Dancing in Ocala
  25. Friday 7/14 - Contra Dance in Melrose
  26. Saturday 7/15 - Contra Dance
  27. Saturday 7/15 - Argentine Tango Milonga at Thuy's
  28. Sunday 7/16 - Rena's Sunday Best
  29. Sunday 7/16 - Vintage Waltz Brunch

Ongoing Dancing

Classes with Andy

To sign up for classes offered via Santa Fe College Community Education (SFC) call 352-395-5193 or visit

  1. Israeli Dancing on Mondays at 7:15 pm, Israeli Partner Dancing at 8:15 pm, at B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, only $5, drop in, no sign up required, ongoing.
  2. Line Dancing on Thursdays at noon at the Senior Center, sign up via SFC, ongoing.
  3. Beginning Argentine Tango Dancing. Check when next series starts.
  4. Beginning Salsa Dancing. Check when next series starts.
  5. Beginning Lindy-style Swing Dancing. Check when next series starts.
  6. Beginning West Coast Swing Dancing. Check when next series starts.
  7. West Coast Swing on Mondays at around 6 pm, at B'nai Israel, 3830 NW 16 Blvd, $15 per person, includes Israeli Dancing, let me know if interested
  8. Private Lessons, classes for Novice Dancers, Social Dancing, Wedding Dances, Argentine Tango, Contra, Hustle, Lindy, Line, Salsa, West Coast Swing, Vintage Waltz, other, contact Andy

Thank you for subscribing to the Gainesville Dance swing and social dance newsletter. I also publish a newsletter called Internet Handholding which you can subscribe to at My other business is Internet and computer consulting. Contact me if you need help with the Internet, with anything from websites, marketing your business online, email newsletter, selling on Amazon or Ebay, publishing books, to software development and so on.

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Thanks to our sponsor Insect, Mosquito, Zika, Whitefly and Pest Control and Treatment in South Florida

Copyright (c) 2016 to present by Bronze Inc. Gainesville, FL - Gainesville Ocala dancing - How to Dance with a Partner using the first, only and simplest method for communicating every step in every dance unambiguously

You may forward, print or post any part of this email provided you include this copyright notice. All other rights reserved. Contact us for other uses.

Andrew Weitzen,, 352-327-3672, Gainesville, FL